What we do?
        Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

        欧洲知识产权办事处通过提供咨询意见,帮助摩尔多瓦和乌克兰加强知识产权执法, skills and knowledge transfer to partner services. The Mission also supports partners forge the national, bilateral and international networks they need to fight infringements. EUBAM’s IPR Expert, Irinel Surugiu, 解释了知识产权的重要性及其对欧洲边防局更广泛的边境管理和安全工作的相关性.

        What are Intellectual Property Rights?

        Intellectual Property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions and creative expressions, literary and artistic works, designs, names and images used in commerce. 知识产权是指为保护智力创造而授予某些类型的知识产权的法定权利.These rights include Industrial Property Rights (e.g. patents, 工业品外观设计和商标)、版权(作者或创作者的权利)和相关权利(表演者的权利), producers and broadcasting organisations).

        What are IPR infringing goods?

        侵犯知识产权的商品是指未经知识产权权利人同意而生产的商品. They can include:

        • Counterfeit goods – whichinfringe on trademarks and often look the same as the original goods. 这些物品通常包括衣服、化妆品、药品,甚至打印机墨盒! and
        • Pirated goods– copied without the approval of the copyright owner. The most well-known pirated goods are CDs and DVDs for music, films or video games.


        Why should Intellectual Property Rights be protected?

        Protection of IPR is crucial for growth in research, innovation and employment. 如果发明者认为他们开发新想法或新产品的投资无法得到保护, the motivation to do so in the future disappears.

        知识产权向消费者保证,他们购买的是安全、经过检验和认可的产品. A counterfeit product may look the same as the original, but often will not have been tested to ensure it is safe to use. This is particularly true for fake cosmetics and consumables.

        侵犯知识产权也剥夺了政府的税收收入. It means a greater tax burden for law-abiding businesses and individuals, and often means less money for schools, healthcare and social protection.

        How does all of this relate to border security?

        Let me put it this way: Do you know where your product comes from? If you buy an original product, you do. 你可以保证公司是合法注册的,产品的供应链是合法的. If you buy a counterfeit product, 没有这样的保证,而且这种销售往往有助于为有组织犯罪集团的非法活动提供资金.

        Are IPR infringements a big problem in Moldova and Ukraine?



        Counterfeit and pirated goods are a global phenomenon. Statistics published by the European Commission show that in 2014, 35 million articles were detained due to suspected IPR infringements. These had a value of just over €617 million, and emanated from all over the world. 随着欧盟与摩尔多瓦和乌克兰之间的经济关系通过深度和全面自由贸易区变得更加密切, 重要的是要保证所交易的商品是合法的,并尊重知识产权.

        What is the role of customs in IPR enforcement?

        Intellectual property protection cannot be ensured by any one agency. Customs administrations, the police, 检察官办公室和国家知识产权机构都必须共同努力,作出有效的反应.


        海关当局完全有能力查禁和破坏侵犯知识产权货物的非法贸易. 在欧盟,大多数假冒产品和其他侵犯知识产权的产品都是在第三国制造的. To prevent these goods from being imported, customs has a key role.

        Customs, however, 没有权利人的积极参与,就不可能成功打击侵犯知识产权的行为. 权利人有责任将其货物涉嫌侵犯知识产权的情况通知海关. Octavian Apostol, 摩尔多瓦国家知识产权局局长解释了他们的职责.

        How does EUBAM support the protection of IPR in Moldova and Ukraine?


        Strengthening the legal protection for IPR -代表团主张修订摩尔多瓦和乌克兰的海关法和附属法律,以确保海关当局拥有调查和打击侵犯知识产权行为的有效工具.

        International co-operation -以及促进摩尔多瓦和乌克兰皇冠正版app下载和版权所有者之间的对话与合作, 欧洲bam还促进与欧盟成员国和欧盟机构的信息交流.

        Joint operations -伙伴事务处在欧洲驻巴特派团的协助下进行了许多联合行动. In addition to being a practical way to counter-IPR infringements, 这些行动还有助于加强机构间合作和能力建设.

        Awareness of EU standards – In conjunction with other EU projects, 欧洲商会为海关人员举办知识产权讲习班,以提高他们对欧盟知识产权标准的认识,例如识别假冒商品, terminology, and risk indicators. 目前,欧盟海关管理局正根据欧盟的海关蓝图对这两个国家的做法进行基准测试.


        How can I read more about Intellectual Property Rights?

        European Commission: http://europa.eu/youreurope/business/start-grow/intellectual-property-rights/index_en.htm

        State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine:  http://sips.gov.ua/en

        State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova: http://agepi.gov.md/en

        World Intellectual Property Organisation: www.wipo.int

        World Trade Organisation: www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/trips_e/intel1_e.htm

        • Who we are?






          -Contribute to the peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict.

        • What we do?

          We are at the border between the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to:

          • 促进欧洲边境管理标准和程序,加快人员和货物的过境;
          • 加强摩尔多瓦和乌克兰海关和边境当局的专业能力;
          • 协助摩尔多瓦和乌克兰伙伴更有效地打击跨境犯罪;
          • 发挥催化剂作用,召集主要利益攸关方,加强边境当局与执法机构之间的跨境合作;
          • Contribute to the peaceful settlement of the Transnistrian conflict.

        • Where we work?

          The Mission is headquartered in Odesa, Ukraine and in addition, has two country offices (Chisinau, Moldova and Odesa, Ukraine) and key working locations on the border.

          The Moldovan-Ukrainian state border is 1222 km long, of which 955 km is the “green” (land) border, and 267 km is the “blue” (river) border.

          There are over 60 official crossing points on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, including international, interstate and local ones, 25 of which are located on the central (Transnistrian) segment.

          Nistru/Dniester两岸之间的行政分界线长度为411公里. There are 9 customs posts along the Line, 摩尔多瓦共和国海关的代表在内政部代表的支持下进行海关管制. There are also 6 subdivisions of the Bureau for Migration and Refugees, where foreigners can voluntarily register or deregister.